What Will You Do To Feel The Way You Want To Feel?

Dec 31, 2017
Note book and smoothie

How do you want your life to feel?
I actually can’t believe that 2017 is coming to a close. It seems that each year goes by faster than the next. It's a sure sign of midlife, ha!! Don’t you remember when you were a kid how summer vacation seemed to go on forever? I am reminded over and over again of how precious time is. My mother died of cancer when she was only 4 years older than I am now. Time is never guaranteed to us, but for some reason, we tend to treat it like an infinite renewable resource...Tomorrow, next week, next year, someday etc. Not to sound morose but rather just to remind us all of how fickle time can be.

As I look back over 2016 and 2017, I am astounded by where my life is at. Things that I didn’t think I could do, I did. Things that seemed impossible are now real. Obstacles, fears and excuses that I once clung to have been climbed and conquered. Now don’t get me wrong, there is still work to do. Lots of it!!! But today I am in awe of, and celebrating the gifts life has to offer if we just open ourselves up to them. That means taking risks, stepping out of your comfort zone and keeping commitments to yourself.

I am so excited for what 2018 has in store. My thoughts on resolutions and intentions are coming up in a future post, but today I want to leave you with this thought.... as you look to 2018, what seems Impossible? What is that thing you want to do that seems out of reach? What’s one thing in your life that you would like to change? Now think of 3 baby steps that you can take in 2018 to get closer to it. If there’s one thing I have learned in the past two years is that changing your life is made up of a series of tiny individual steps that, over time, lead to amazing things. I remember so clearly in December of 2015, taking that first teeny tiny baby step towards the life I knew I wanted and being scared shitless. But looking back at it now, that tiny step has brought me to places I never thought possible. Let 2018 be the year of possibility for all of us.

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