Taking a Dose of My Own Medicine

Jul 19, 2021

Recently, I wrote about celebrating yourself and all that you have accomplished. Usually, the things I write about are things that I am working on as well, so this week's email is me taking a dose of my own medicine and celebrating!!!

Last week Feedspot rated the Old Chicks Know Sh*t podcast as one of the top 25 Podcasts for midlife women!!!

Wooo Hooo!!! <Insert happy dance> This makes me soooo happy.

When I first got the inspiration to start the podcast, I put it off for months. Months!!! Having never created anything like it in the past, I had no idea where or how to start. And if I’m honest, I was a bit afraid. What if I suck at it? What if people don’t listen? What do I know about interviewing, editing and publishing? And on top of it all, I couldn’t stand the sound of my own voice. I have since learned that there is a psychological and physiological reason for this, related to how our brains process the sound of a recording versus when we speak. I digress.

I figured out the tech side of things with a little help. Turns out that was the easy part. I recorded a couple of episodes….. and then let them sit for a few more months. I couldn’t quite bring myself to hit publish. I had a big old case of imposter syndrome to work through.

Eventually, I did hit publish, and over time, it became easier and easier. Now it's one of my most favourite things to do. I love having amazing conversations with super interesting people and then sharing them with you all. I mean, really, is there anything better?

I started this podcast with the intention for it to be a source of inspiration and support for midlife women who might be feeling lost and stuck about their next chapter. To share stories of other women reinventing their lives to show what was possible. I wanted it to be what I needed most when I found myself a divorced, unemployed, burnt out, empty nester trying to figure out the “what’s next” for my life.

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you who listen, subscribe and share the podcast. It means so much to me that you recommend it to your friends. The comments and feedback I get literally bring me to tears on a regular basis.

If you have not yet listened but would like to, here are a few of my favourite episodes to get you started:

Reinvention After Cult Life with Anne Hill​
From Burnout To Manifesting With Ease with Natalie Kantor​
​Late Blooming Bride with Treva Brandon​

I am always looking for great guests and topic suggestions for upcoming episodes. If there is someone or something that you would like to hear, hit reply and give me your suggestions.

Or maybe you have an interesting midlife reinvention story that you would like to share. Hit reply and let me know.


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