I Want Midlife Women to Rule the World!

Apr 23, 2021

I see too many women downplaying themselves, their skills and their abilities simply because of their age. Passing up opportunities, not pursuing their dreams and generally denying themselves a kick-ass life because their faces and bodies don’t look like they used to.

I fell into that trap. When I was starting over at age 50 I bought into all the outdated patriarchal notions of what it means to be a midlife woman...

  • past my prime
  • no longer relevant
  • powerless to the ravages of aging
  • relegated to the back seat of life to wait for my grandkids to arrive.

Sadly too many of us do.

Because we live in a culture that tells us that at every opportunity, don’t even get me started about the way midlife women are portrayed in media and advertising. That's a whole other conversation.

Honestly, I thought that life was over for me. At 50? Can you imagine? Luckily there was a small part of me who knew that there had to be more.

Old Chicks Know Sh*t was born as a tongue-in-cheek expression (we can’t always take life too seriously) to remind us that we are so much more powerful and capable than we, or the culture we live in give us credit for.

What started out as a blog, has become a mission.

I want midlife women to rule the world.

To see ourselves as powerful at this time of our lives.
To know that we are relevant and important regardless of changing faces and aging bodies.
To embody the strength of character that life has given us.

May we see ourselves smart and capable of reaching for whatever our hearts desire.
May we step into the leadership that life has so deliberately prepared us for.
May we chase dreams and conquer goals we never thought possible.
May we stand confidently in the vast knowledge, experience and wisdom we have collected.
May we see ourselves as leaders, teachers, guides and mentors.
May we be an army of women who are impossible to overlook.

Are you in? Are you joining the mission with me?


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