A New Beginning

Jan 30, 2019
Japanese Cherry Blossoms

Did you know that the Japanese word for the period of life we call menopause translated means “New Spring” - a new beginning as opposed to an ending? I love the positive take on this. If you think about it, menopause is pretty similar to puberty- hormones going haywire and physical changes occurring as you step into a new phase of life.

In western culture, we are very focused on symptoms, changes and what we are losing at this point instead of seeing the opportunities that lie before us. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way discounting how real those symptoms can be. Boy, do I know this! Not fun!! But Mother Nature is clearly communicating with us, and in no uncertain terms. She’s telling us that, just like in puberty, we are in a new phase of life, and what is required of us is different. You could consider it a bit of a wake-up call.

Instead of focusing on taking care of others, we are being asked to turn our nurturing energy inwards. What do we need? Instead of to-do lists, we are being asked what makes us happy. What are our souls voices saying? Instead of supporting others to get where they need to go we are being refocused on our own dreams. What have we been holding back on? She is asking us to step into the fullest unencumbered expression of who we came into this world to be.

Mother Nature is a saucy little minx.... with a plan. Menopause and all the changes that go with it are right on schedule. She knows the value of our experience, knowledge and wisdom and is creating the perfect conditions for us to expand our horizons, find our full expression and share our gifts with the world. How are you stepping into the best version of you at this time of life?

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