Would You Like Me To Personally Help You Get Unstuck… Create A Stunning New Vision For Your Life… and Help You Create Your Kick-Ass Next Chapter… For Free?

I’m looking for a “dream” client that I can help to get unstuck from your limiting beliefs, challenges and blocks… and create an inspired, aligned and abundant next chapter in life – one that fills you with passion, excitement & enthusiasm every time you think about it.

If that’s you, I will personally work with you one-on-one  to help you get complete clarity on what you want – and work through the fears, old stories and limiting beliefs that are standing in the way of a life that you desire…. and deserve.

At the very least, I’ll help you get clear on why you feel stuck –and identify what is holding you back from the next chapter you want. (This clarity alone will be transformational for you.)

And here’s the most wonderful part:

 You Pay Nothing! Ever!

Here’s why.

The first thing I’m going to do is help you create a simple plan to immediately move past whatever’s holding you back right now – so you can create a stunning new plan for your future.

There’s no charge for this and it only takes about an hour for us to do this together on the phone.

(After working with many, many women just like you, I’ve gotten pretty good at creating amazing results for my clients.)

On our call, I’ll do most of the “hard work” for you… I’ll show you exactly where you’re holding yourself back, tell you precisely how you can get the clarity and confidence you’re searching for and – together – we will create a simple & exciting plan for you to create a next chapter in your life, that sets your soul on fire.

At The End Of Our Initial Coaching Call, One Of Three Things Will Happen:

1. You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you ALL the luck, send you ALL the good vibes… and I simply ask that you keep in touch with me, to let me know how the plan is working for you. :-)

2. You love the plan so much you’ll ask to join my Midlife Kickstarter Mastermind – so that I can personally help you gain confidence in your desires, work through your fears… and take the right inspired action to bring your dreams to reality.

If that’s the case – and if you qualify to join the Midlife Kickstarter Mastermind – over 3+ months, I’ll help you create a next chapter that truly sets your soul on fire.

That’s a promise, by the way. Every single one of my clients who commits and takes action see’s amazing results.

Literally. Every. Single. One.

 3. In the unlikely event that you feel like you wasted your time, I will send you $2,000 worth of world class Coaching Programs immediately, for free. No questions asked. Your time is incredibly valuable, and I respect that.

It Really Is That Simple and There’s No Catch.

The “worst case” is that you get an hour of free coaching from me, plus $2,000 of new programs –for “wasting” an hour of your time.

The best case is we work together over the next 12 + weeks to help you get unstuck, get absolute clarity on your desires, fall back in love with your life – and yes, manifest your dreams and live your Life’s Purpose.

That’s Why This Is The Closest Thing To A FREE TRANSFORMATION You’ll Ever See.

Here’s how it works:

First, we get on the phone one-on-one and see where you are now, where you’re feeling stuck and identify some of the dreams, goals & desires you have, or may’ve “forgotten” – or given up on.

Then we will dig deep and envision your “Ideal Outcome” – your vision for a “dream life”; filled with success, abundance, high vibrations, purpose… using your unique skills & gifts.

In short, we’ll identify what’s working… and what’s not!

Once we have those key insights, I’ll help you come up with a simple plan of action to help you start manifesting this NEW vision that lights you up, and fills you with joy.

There are a number of ways I will do this for you.

For example, I will show you how to tap into your inner knowing (the answers you’re looking for are already within you), identify any thoughts & patterns of behavior that are getting in the way… and create a framework for manifesting a next chapter that you feel truly passionate and excited about.

And if you’re already clear on what you want – but you’re feeling paralyzed to take action, we will create an action plan to get you past the fears & limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

In fact, we will create a plan that you can start using right away.… immediately… to take action towards your inspired next chapter. This alone will be life-changing for you!

And like I said, there’s no charge for this.

So Why am I Offering It?

Two main reasons:

First of all, I freaking love what I do. I love helping midlife women like you manifest their dreams… and create their kick ass next chapter.

It’s my Life’s Purpose, or Dharma. It’s what I do best, and it makes me ridiculously happy to see women live a life that feels truly aligned with who they are, doing amazing things in the world, and being REWARDED for it… in every sense!

Secondly, this is how I attract my top-level clients.

Here’s how that works.

Assuming you’re happy and you want me to support you along your midlife “reinvention” journey, you’ll probably want to continue working together longer term – so I can guide and support you step by step through the challenges, blocks & setbacks that arise as you work towards your inspired next chapter.

If this is the case, I might invite you to join my Midlife Kickstarter Mastermind.

The “fee” is $1999 for the 3 month Mastermind … but if you think about it, it really doesn’t “cost” you anything.


Because what you will get out of this is worth so much more than $1999 … either directly, in your career, job and overall abundance, or indirectly – in terms of the passion, excitement,  alignment  you feel and the NEW beliefs I will help you to “install”.

What I’m 100% certain of, is that within a very short time of us working together, you will call me one day and say - “Jennifer… Thank you. I have already gotten so much more than I could have imagined…. and we’re just getting started!”

That’s my dream for you!

And… if we keep working together over the next 3 months, I’m confident I can help you create HUGE results (in any area of life you want)… Like Belief… Abundance… Purpose… Family… and love of life… at the very least!

(For example, I could help you negotiate a pay raise, a promotion or get started on a new career… or, if you are looking to become an entrepreneur, help you to get clear on your business and attract dream clients, or even a new relationship…. because its time and you deserve it!)

So – whatever your goals or current job status – you’ll see the value by the time we hang up the phone… without spending a cent.

And if you decide that you don’t want to become a client, don’t worry about it. It’s completely fine.  You won’t get any pressure or a “sales pitch” from me of any kind, ever.

In fact, here’s my GIANT  JENNIFER  PROMISE to you:

You Find Our Conversation To Be Highly Valuable Or I’ll Send You $2000 In Programs Immediately To Compensate You For Your Time.

This is an amazing offer which you’ll probably never see from any other Coach or Mentor.

Think about it.

I will get on a call with you and create a “get unstuck” action-plan for you up front – for free – and then let you pay me later if (and only if) you decide to work together long term.

Plus, I’m taking it one step further by guaranteeing you’ll find my plan immensely valuable – or I’ll effectively pay you  $2000 just for wasting your time.

Just say the word, and it’s yours. No questions asked.

Who Does That?

NOBODY! (I checked).

But I’m truly happy to “put myself out there” like this – because, simply, my clients get great results.

I’ve been where you are and I know the power of my work.  I know that when we work together, you will create a next chapter that you are truly passionate and excited about.

And – really – that’s just the start of the fun, games and magic!

Consider this:

Over the past three years, I’ve generated results for myself and many, many women who are where you are now.

This is why I’m a sought-after coach, guide, and mentor.

This is how I’ve helped countless smart ambitious women like YOU to get clear on what you want and find the courage to take action towards your kick ass next chapter in the Midlife Kick Starter Mastermind.

My process works… and it will work for YOU.

As you can imagine, I’ll get a LOT of interest from this offer. And that’s why I need you to read this next part carefully:

This Is NOT For EverybodyHere’s Who I CAN Help:

I’m picky about who I work with – and I’ve got strict (but fair!) criteria, in order for us to proceed and book a one-on-one call.

Here’s the deal:

1.You must be 100% committed to creating your inspired and aligned next chapter.

This is NOT for “dabblers” or “that sounds nice…” this offer is for women who KNOW they must reinvent their lives to create a next chapter they love, and want to do this in the most soul aligned, and positive way.

So if you’re not 100% committed… this isn’t for you.

That’s the most important criteria.

2. You MUST follow directions and take action – quickly.

Don’t worry – I’m not going to ask you to do anything weird! ;-) But let’s face it… if you don’t actually TAKE ACTION on the work we do together, neither of us will succeed.

So this is only for people who are ready to take fast, Inspired Action… because you know this is the ONLY way you’ll be able to create and attract the life you want for your next chapter.

3. You must have your heart in the right place.

Frankly, the plan I will be giving you is incredibly powerful.

It’s been proven to give women like you the clarity and courage they need to create an inspired and aligned next chapter.

I very deliberately EXCLUSIVELY work with smart, ambitious women who genuinely want to create their kick-ass next chapter – who really do want to make a big positive impact in the world, and yes… find success, and live life on your terms.

In other words, you need to be positive, committed and ready to take action.

That’s it! Those are all the requirements.

Here’s What To Do Next

If you meet the criteria above and would like to book a one-on-one call with me, so I can help you get the results you want, then I’ll happily set aside some time for you.

Here’s how the process works.

First, you’ll need to fill in a short application. Don’t worry, it’s simple, fast and unobtrusive.

I just need to know where you’re at right now, get an idea of what you want to achieve, what you’re struggling with, your greatest accomplishments and so forth.

I’m also going to ask you for a “real person deposit” of $33.

Don’t worry,  about your $33.:-)

I’m just using it as a “filter” to keep the time-wasters away.

I’ll give your $33 back to you right after we hang up. (Unless I take you on as a Midlife Kickstarter Mastermind client – and it that case, I can apply it to your balance.)

Here’s What Will Happen After That

Once I have your “real person” deposit and your application, I will call or email you – and set up a time for us to talk.

I’ll be in touch within 24 hours of receiving your application.

Our initial call will be about an hour.

This is where we really begin working to figure out exactly what you want… what’s stopping you… and how to make it happen!

I’ll review your goals, your skills, your intentions – and so forth – and we’ll create and deliver a plan for you to get unstuck and get started on creating your kick ass next chapter, immediately.

If you see the value in joining the Midlife Kickstarter Mastermind, great! We can talk about it at the end of our call.

And if you don’t want to become a client – that’s OK too!

I’ll return your deposit as soon as we hang up. Not a problem.

And if you tell me I’ve wasted your time, I’ll send you $2000 of World Class Coaching programs – instantly.

You literally can’t lose!

(By the way – I’ve never had anyone tell me I wasted their time.  EVER. That’s why I can make this offer.


This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed to provide you with results.

Therefore, it’s physically impossible for me to do this with more than a handful of people.

What I’m offering to you is one of a kind.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.

If you feel this is right for you, click here, leave your deposit and application, and let’s talk.

Talk soon,



P.S. Space is incredibly limited, so book your free call now!